Microblaze Quick Reference Guide Supplement

This guide describes how to install board support and example designs for Digilent Arty S7 and Arty development boards into Vivado. This will allow the instructions described in the MicroBlaze Soft Processor Quick Reference Guide to be completed.


  • This guide requires an installation of Vivado 2017.4



  1. Download the Digilent example design package linked above.
  2. Unzip the package to a location of your choice.
  3. Start Vivado.
  4. At the Vivado tcl console source the top-level init.tcl file using this command:
source /Digilent_Presets_2017.4/init.tcl

Now you should be able to begin at the second step under Hardware Development on the Quick Start Guide (ChooseCreate Project).

To follow the steps in the Software Development section with a pre-built hardware platform, you will first need to install the SDK repository also included with the package above. You can install the repository by doing the following:

  1. Open Xilinx SDK and create a new workspace.
  2. Click Xilinx –> Repositories
  3. Create a New Global Repository
  4. Browse to /Digilent_Presets_2017.4/MicroBlaze_SDK_Repository
  5. 点击OK以创建新的repository, and OK again to close the Repositories window.

You can now use the predefined hardware platforms for Digilent boards and also some Digilent provided Application program templates, including a Free RTOS demo and a standaloneLEDguessing game.

Additional materials

For additional materials, including more in-depth Vivado tutorials, see the Resource center for you development board, accessible from here:FPGA/Zynq Resource Centers