How to Convert a dlog File to CSV
将网络日志本文件转换成一个CSV文件format, you can use dlog-utils:
Select the download that matches your platform, or follow theGitHublink for instructions on how to build and install dlog-utils.
Retrieve Logs from Device
Logs must be retrieved from the device before converting. There are two ways to retreive logs depending on their size:
For Files Less than 10MB in Size
These may be downloaded through the WaveForms Live interface. From the logger page of the Instrument Panel, click the To File Explorer button to the right of the chart. Expand the Sd0 menu then click on the file to download and then Download. Click Continue in the popup to begin the download.
For Larger Files
These files need to be retrieved manually by connecting the SD card to your computer and moving the file(s) over.
Concatenate Log Files
If the log is split across multiple files, the files must first be concatenated into one file before conversion. To concatenate, CD to where the files are stored, then run:
Get-Content .\?.dlog | Out-File .\ .dlog
cat ./*.dlog > .dlog
Convert Logs
To convert logs, first CD to where dlog-utils is located, then run: