TAG: fundamentals
- Basic Digital I/O: Slide Switch, Push Button, and LED
- Charge and Charge Motion
- Connectors
- Current
- Diodes and LEDs
- Electric Fields
- Flip-flops
- Ideal Independent Voltage and Current Sources
- Inductive Flyback and Flyback Diodes
- Integrated Circuits
- Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
- Logic Minimization
- Lumped Parameter Circuits and Nodes
- 米emory Circuits
- Ohm's Law
- Practical Resistors
- Printed Circuit Boards
- Resistors
- Solderless Breadboards
- Subtractors
- Transistors
- Verilog HDL Background and History
- Verilog HDL: The First Example
- Voltage
- Voltage Divider
- Voltage-Current Characteristics and Nonlinearities
- XOR and XNOR