Despite our hopes and effort to create an innovative and low-cost T&M solution, we’ve received consistent negative feedback on the OpenScope MZ and OpenLogger regarding overall reliability that has led us to determine that it is not up to our high standards for our test and measurement products.
Unfortunately, we are unable to fix many of the issues, so we have made the difficult decision to pull both products, and related accessories from our shelves. This will allow us to ensure we can continue to deliver on the Digilent brand promise and focus our efforts on expanding our popular and core line of Test and Measurement Products.
The materials on this page will remain here as legacy sources. Any Digilent provided support for this material will be extremely limited at best. Thank you for understanding.
OpenLoggeris a wireless data logging and data acquisition device that can be controlled via USB or WiFi. Using a computer or mobile device, signals from circuits and sensors can be acquired, stored, analyzed, visualized, and generated. OpenLogger makes it easy to monitor multiple analog inputs and simultaneously log the data to an SD card, and/or stream over USB or WiFi, all throughWaveForms Live。
ATWINC1500 WiFi chip (802.11n)
USB 2.0 (High Speed Required)
Analog Inputs
8 Channels
12-bit resolution per channel
500KS/ssample rate
50kHzof bandwidth at -3dB
1 MΩ of input impedance
±10 V input voltage range
Maximum buffer size of 32640 samples per channel
Function Generator
Sine, triangle, sawtooth, square and DC outputs
10-bit resolution
2MS/ssample rate
3 V pk2pk output with ±1.5 V offset
10 mA output current
Logic Analyzer andGPIO
10 Channels multiplexed between the Logic Analyzer and as general purpose IO
3.3V CMOS logic for both the Logic Analyzer andGPIO
7 mA source and 12 mA sink when used asGPIO
2 Channels
±4 V output voltage
50 mA per channel
Other features
USB powered device
4 user LEDs
OpenLogger PinOut
OpenLoggerJ1 Header Pinout | |||||
顶行 | Bottom Row | ||||
Pinout# | Pin Name | Pin Description | Pinout# | Pin Name | Pin Description |
1+ | AI1 | 模拟输入1 | × | AGND1 | Analog Ground |
2+ | AI2 | 模拟输入2 | × | AGND2 | Analog Ground |
3+ | AI3 | 模拟输入3 | × | AGND3 | Analog Ground |
4+ | AI4 | 模拟输入4 | × | AGND4 | Analog Ground |
5+ | AI5 | 模拟输入5 | × | AGND5 | Analog Ground |
6+ | AI6 | 模拟输入6 | × | AGND6 | Analog Ground |
7+ | AI7 | 模拟输入7 | × | AGND7 | Analog Ground |
8+ | AI8 | 模拟输入8 | × | AGND8 | Analog Ground |
5V | 5V | 5V电源 | ↓ | GND | Digital Ground |
R | RST | 按钮重置 | P | prog | Button Program |
TI | Tin | 预订的 | TO | Tout | 预订的 |
W1 | AWG | 功能生成器输出 | ↓ | GND | Digital Ground |
V1 | DC1 | DC OUT 1 | ↓ | GND | Digital Ground |
V2 | DC2 | 直流2 | ↓ | GND | Digital Ground |
D0 | DIO0 | Digital IO 0 | D4 | DIO4 | Digital IO 4 |
D1 | DIO1 | Digital IO 1 | D5 | DIO5 | Digital IO 5 |
D2 | DIO2 | Digital IO 2 | D6 | DIO6 | Digital IO 6 |
D3 | DIO3 | Digital IO 3 | D7 | DIO7 | Digital IO 7 |
Walk Around the Board
TheDigilent Agent和WaveForms Live用于与OpenLogger以及查看捕获的数据进行配置和通信。可以在上面链接的各自的资源中心上找到更多信息,以及OpenLogger资源中心。
The OpenLogger can only be used with Windows operating systems.
Analog Inputs
模拟输入提供了从外部系统中测量真实模拟数据的方法。OpenLogger拥有8个单端模拟输入,并具有自己的建议地面销。每个输入旨在接受-10 V至+10 V的电压范围(保护高达±30 V),并具有12位分辨率和50的带宽kHz。openlog可以记录所有数据到本地SD card at 500KS/s, stream and/or log data over USB at 500KS/s, or stream and/or log data over WiFi at 10 kS/S.
8 Channels
12 bits of resolution per channel
50kHzbandwidth at -3 dB
有关如何使用OpenLogger的模拟输入的信息,请参见OpenLogger的Data Logger教程。
Function Generator
OpenLogger有一个单个通道2MS/s, 10-bit function generator. An R2R resistor ladder with 1% resistors is used in place of aDAC。
Sine, triangle, sawtooth, square and DC outputs
10-bit resolution
1Hzto 200kHzfrequency
3 V pk2pk output with ±1.5 V offset
20 mA output current
Information on how to use the OpenLogger's Function Generator can be found in the OpenLogger'sFunction Generator教程。
Digital I/O
Information on how to use the OpenLogger's Digital I/O can be found in the OpenLogger'sDigital I/O教程。
DC Power Supplies
OpenLogger有两个DC输出,由其自己的PWM输出驱动,并具有单个PWM线,用于DC偏移。在OpenLogger上隐含了增益电路,为每个通道提供-4 V至4 V的电压范围。还存在一个反馈电路,以允许对直流输出进行校准。
±4 V
50 mA per channel
有关如何使用OpenLogger电源的信息,请参见OpenLogger的Power Supplies教程。
The LEDs on the OpenLogger are used to indicate the current status of the OpenLogger hardware as follows:
橙色 - 设备正在引导,尚未准备好使用。
Green Flashing - Device is booted and ready to use, but not logging.
Green Solid - Device is logging to the内存buffer and streaming is currently available.
Green and Orange Solid - Device is both logging and streaming.
绿色固体和橙色闪烁 - 设备正在流到内存缓冲区,但登录到SD卡或通过WiFi停止
For the SD card, this usually indicates there is no more space on the SD card
Red Solid - One of the internal buffers was overrun
Filling the SD card does not cause an overrun condition
Red Flashing - Warning that the device is falling behind with keeping the buffers cleared
蓝色固体 - 保留用于wifi(尚未实施)
Red blinking and Orange Solid - Device firmware updating
All user LEDs Solid - An error has occurred. Reboot the OpenLogger and report the error on theDigilent Forum。