VmodBB Resource Center

Welcome to the resource center for the VmodBB!

Here you will find all the reference materials that Digilent has created for this board, as well as links to any external content we have tracked down.

The Digilent Vmod Breadboard (VmodBB) offers a ready-made solution for prototyping breadboarded circuits as accessories to Digilent system boards. The VmodBB provides connectors suitable for direct connection with various Digilent system boards.

  • VHDCI connector for connection to Digilent System boards
  • Two power and one ground bus around
  • Prototype connections on every signal
  • Two 300-tie point breadboards separated by a 100-tie point bus strip with adhesive
  • Two 32-pin breadboard with 16 pins, connected directly to signals from the system board


  • SchematicPDF