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Oscilloscopes and Waveform Generators
An Oscilloscope is the typical cornerstone of any electronics benchtop. However, the digital world is increasingly introducing mixed signal problems to an engineer’s work. Discovery family products feature an Oscilloscope, Waveform Generator, and a myriad of other mixed signal and mixed domain instruments to ensure the quality of not just the cornerstone of your benchtop, but to make sure you have an entire benchtop at your fingertips.
High Speed Tools
The majority of our devices are designed to handle a wide range of test scenarios, but there are times when speed optimization is the top priority. While still portable and flexible, our high-speed tools are designed for specific scenarios, like a focus on Digital Design maximizing channels and speed, or analog signals up to 0.5 GS.
Remote Labs
Whether a student or lifetime learning engineer, remote labs have become critical in keeping up engineering design speed and output. Without the space or budget for a full benchtop worth of dedicated instruments, a portable and flexible solution has become the norm. Discovery products are designed for portability and include up to 12 instruments, programmability, and a wide range of specifications and interfaces.