Zybo Z7 DMA音频演示
该演示包含Vivado IP积分器和VIit Witis项目,这些项目控制Zybo Z7的音频编解码器,以记录和播放音频
带有MICUSB编程电缆的Zybo Z7
看安装Vivado,Vitis和Digilent板文件for installation instructions.
Serial Terminal application to receive messages printed by the demo
音频输入设备 - 例如麦克风或带有3.5毫米音频插孔和音频电缆的计算机
Download and Usage Instructions
首先,首先,发布的版本 - 由一组文件组成 - 仅与Xilinx工具的特定版本兼容,如发行版的名称所指定(称为一个称为一个释放标签)。此外,发布仅与板的指定变体兼容。例如,Zybo Z7标记为“ 20/DMA/2020.1”的释放仅适用于板和Xilinx工具的-20版本(Vivado and Vitis)版本2020.1。
董事会变体 | 释放标签 | 发布下载 | 设置说明 |
Zybo Z7-10 | 10/DMA/2020.1-1 | 释放zip下载 | 看Using the Latest Release, 以下 |
Zybo Z7-20 | 20/DMA/2020.1-1 | 释放zip下载 | 看Using the Latest Release, 以下 |
Zybo Z7-10 | V2018.2-1 | 释放zip下载 | v2018.2-1读数 |
Zybo Z7-20 | V2018.2-1 | 释放zip下载 | v2018.2-1读数 |
注明高级用户:All demos for the Zybo Z7 are provided through theZybo-Z7github上的存储库。有关此存储库结构的进一步文档可以在此Wiki上找到Digilent FPGA演示GIT存储库页。
Instructions on the use of the latest release can be found in this dropdown:
- Using the Latest Release
笔记:This workflow is common across many Digilent FPGA demos. Screenshots may not match the demo you are working with.
笔记:Unlike with Vivado XPR archives, do NOT extract the Vitis project archive ('*.ide.xip'). Vitis imports sources from the archive file directly.
- 从发行中进口Vitis项目
- 将修复程序用于Vitis 2020.1错误
由于2020.1版本的Xilinx Vitis IDE中的错误,该项目还需要另外两个步骤才能正确导入。如果您使用的是另一个版本的Vitis,请忽略本节。
Right click on the。prj文件并选择特性。在打开的窗口中,进入C/C++ Build并选择设置,如图所示。打开“设置”选项卡后,选择链接脚本and change the existing path to
。点击Apply and Close.现在,该项目已正确导入。
- 建立烟炎
Once an application project has been set up and includes all necessary sources, it should be built. To build the project and all of its dependencies, select the system project in the助手窗格,要么单击Buildbutton (
), or press Ctrl-B on your keyboard.
This process may take several minutes to complete. When done, the安慰窗口底部的选项卡将显示“构建完成”消息。
- 设置Zybo Z7
- 发起烟炎
First, many applications require that a serial console is connected to the board, so that standard output (from print statements) can be viewed. For this purpose, a serial terminal should be used. Use a serial terminal application to connect to the board's serial port. Unless otherwise stated, Zynq designs use a baud rate of 115200 and Microblaze designs with an AXI UART Lite IP use a baud rate of 9600.
笔记:While Vitis has a built in serial terminal included in its Debug view, it sends characters to a board on a line-by-line basis. Some software examples require the use of character-by-character reception of data.tera术语或者油灰are recommended if you are not sure what will work.
In the资源管理器屏幕左侧的窗格,右键单击要运行的应用程序或系统项目,然后选择在硬件上运行为→1启动(单个应用程序调试)。FPGA将使用Bitstream编程,软件构建创建的ELF文件已加载到系统内存中,并且应用程序项目将开始运行。您将需要点击回到visial系列末端from the安慰标签。
为了修改并切换为Baremetal Demo的硬件平台,您应该首先从版本中打开Vivado项目。提取先前下载的“*.xpr.zip”文件。
- 在Vivado打开一个块设计项目
这project's block diagram, which contains the design, with all of the existing components and their connections, can be opened by either double-clicking on the “*.bd” file in the sources pane (which also includes other source files, such as constraints), or by clicking the开放式设计按钮流导航器pane.
Before the Vivado project can be built, the block design must be validated. This step runs an automatic check of the block design to see if there are any potential issues with it. Click the验证设计button (
If the design has issues, a dialog will pop up that lists them. It should be noted that most警告可以忽略,有些Critical Warnings。这些问题也可以在消息tab of the pane at the bottom of the window.
- Build a Vivado Project
A dialog will pop up with several options for how Synthesis and Implementation should be run. Most should be left as defaults. Of particular importance is the工作数下拉列表,用于指定计算机的资源应专用于构建的多少。大量的工作将专用更多资源,这将使构建得以更快地完成。建议选择最高的可用号码。
笔记:Critical warnings about how IPs included within another IP were packaged with a different board value can be safely ignored. The same is true for warnings related to negative CK-to-DQS delays seen on some Zynq boards.
When complete, a dialog will pop up that presents several options for what to do next:
打开Implemented Design可用于查看已实施并将其放置在芯片上的实际硬件设计。
View Reports可用于查看有关设计的其他信息,包括设计将使用FPGA的多少资源。
- 导出硬件平台
弹出的向导会引导您完成可用于硬件导出的选项。第一个屏幕使您可以选择一个Fixed或者可扩展platform. In this case, choose a Fixed platform and clickNext接着说。
这输出screen allows you to select whether only the hardware specification (合成前)应出口,或者是否应包括在内。由于已经生成了Bitstream,因此应将其包含在平台中,以便Vitis可以自动找出编程板时的位置。选择包括Bitstream然后单击Next接着说。
这文件屏幕为您提供了选择Xilinx shell体系结构(XSA)文件的名称,并为文件夹提供将放置在其中的文件夹的路径。给您的XSA文件一个名称,然后选择一个令人难忘的位置将其放入。此文件将稍后将其导入到Vitis中,因此请记下其放置位置和所谓的内容。
- Update a Hardware Platform in Vitis
这se steps assume that you have already regenerated the bitstream and reexported hardware in the same way that would be done prior to creating a new Vitis workspace.
在vitis中助手窗格,找到您希望使用新硬件更新的平台项目。该项目通常具有以“ _wrapper”结尾的名称,并标有文本“ [平台]”。
右键单击此项目并选择Update Hardware Specification。
仔细检查Hardware Specification Filepath matches that of the XSA file you want to use, then click好的开始自动更新平台的过程。
At this point, changes to the hardware specification have been loaded into the hardware platform. The bitstream will have been updated, if it was loaded into the XSA file. The set of drivers and the xparameters file will have changed to match what is in the modified design. Changes to the software application may be required before the application can be built and programmed onto the board, however, detailing what may need to be done is outside of the scope of this guide.
按钮 | 功能 |
BTN0 | 没有效果 |
BTN1 | record from mic in |
BTN2 | 玩HPH |
BTN3 | record from line in |
To play to HPH OUT, pressBTN2。一旦激活,回放Sta的消息”rt Playback…” will be sent over UART and the demo will play 5 seconds of audio. If any buttons are pressed during the playback, the message “Still Playing…” will be sent over UART.
所有与使用Zybo Z7有关的材料都可以在其上找到资源中心。
For a walkthrough of the process of creating a simple baremetal software project in Vivado and Vitis, seeBaremetal软件项目的Vivado和Vitis入门。有关GUI的重要部分的信息,以及有关修改,重建和运行硬件演示所需的步骤的间接讨论,也可以在此处找到。