模拟Discovery Studio
V-: -1 to -5V
The Analog Discovery Studio equipped with 13 test and measurement instruments providing the functionality of an entire benchtop worth of equipment in one device. The Oscilloscope, Waveform Generator, Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Power Supplies and more provide a device that can become a pop-up electronics laboratory anywhere. The physical design of the Analog Discovery Studio provides BNC connectors or MTE cables for the analog inputs and outputs, MTE cables for the digital I/O, triggers, and power supplies, and a large removable and breadboardable design surface supporting a large variety of designs or projects.
WaveForms Instrument Guides
Other Guides
Third Party Software Support
Breadboard Canvas
面包板帆布增加了一个大面包板表面,访问模拟发现工作室别针的面包板,电源开关以及各种普通设备,可以在模拟发现工作室。有关更多信息,请参阅使用面包板画布。For all other materials, including reference manual and schematics, see theBreadboard Canvas Resource Center。
Blank Canvas
空白的画布增加了一个大型原型表面,电源突破以及各种IC突破,所有这些都可以卖了,都可以在模拟发现工作室中销售。有关更多信息,请参阅Using the Blank Canvas。For all other materials, including reference manual and schematics, see the空白帆布资源中心。
模拟Discovery Canvas
模拟发现画布是模拟发现工作室的可更换和可移动的原型制作表面,也可以连接到模拟发现,以轻松地在设备之间切换设计,而无需重新设计或重新组装设计。有关更多信息,请参阅Getting Started with the Analog Discovery Canvas。对于包括参考手册和原理图在内的所有材料,请参阅模拟Discovery Canvas Resource Center。
Featured Projects
Hackster Projects
A complete list of Hackster projects featuring the Analog Discovery Studio can be found onprojects.digilentinc.com