
Getting Started Reference Manual Technical Support
WaveForms virtual instrumentation software
Latest Downloads (3.18.1) - February 2nd, 2022
Supported Operating Systems
10, 32/64bit*
*Note: Vista, 7, and 8 may be functional but are not officially supported
Mac OS X
10.9 or newer
SeeAdept 2requirements.
  • .deb: Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.
  • .rpm: Red Hat, Fedora, etc.
  • i386/amd64 build on Ubuntu 12.04
    Depends on libc6 2.14 or newer
  • ARM depends on libc6 2.13 or newer
  • ADP3X50 requires image version 5 or later

WaveForms is the virtual instrument suite for Electronics Explorer, Digital Discovery, Analog Discovery, Analog Discovery 2 and Analog Discovery Studio devices.

The most up to date version of the following material is located in the Help tab in the WaveForms application. The Help tab is located to the right of the Welcome (Instrument menu) tab.



Third Party Software Support

Example Projects

Additional Resources