Zybo Z7XADC Demo
This simple XADC demo is a Verilog project made to demonstrate usage of the Analog to Digital Converter hardware present within the Zybo Z7's Zynq chip.
XADC IP核心用于读取XADC PMOD端口的四个垂直销钉 - 通道的垂直对的电压差。
这LEDassociated with a channel brightens as that channel's voltage increases.
带有MICUSB编程电缆的Zybo Z7
Vivado installation compatible with the latest release of this demo (2020.1)
A circuit to measure
Download and Usage Instructions
首先,首先,发布的版本 - 由一组文件组成 - 仅与Xilinx工具的特定版本兼容,如发行版的名称所指定(称为一个称为一个释放标签)。In addition, releases are only compatible with the specified variant of the board. For example, a release tagged “20/DMA/2020.1” for the Zybo Z7 is only to be used with the -20 variant of the board and Vivado 2020.1.
笔记:Releases for FPGA demos from before 2020.1 used a different git structure, and used a different release tag naming scheme.
董事会变体 | Release Tag | 发布下载 | 设置说明 |
Zybo Z7-20 | 20/XADC/2020.1-1 | 释放zip下载 | 看Using the Latest Release, 以下 |
Zybo Z7-10 | 10/XADC/2020.1-1 | 释放zip下载 | 看Using the Latest Release, 以下 |
Zybo Z7-20 | V2018.2-1 | 释放zip下载 | v2018.2-1 github readme |
Zybo Z7-10 | V2018.2-1 | 释放zip下载 | v2018.2-1 github readme |
Zybo Z7-20 | V2016.4-1 | 释放zip下载 | 使用Digilent GitHub演示项目 |
Zybo Z7-10 | V2016.4-1 | 释放zip下载 | 使用Digilent GitHub演示项目 |
注明高级用户:All demos for the Zybo Z7 are provided through theZybo-Z7github上的存储库。有关此存储库结构的进一步文档可以在此Wiki上找到数字FPGADemo Git Repositories页。
Instructions on the use of the latest release can be found in this dropdown:
- Using the Latest Release
笔记:This workflow is common across many Digilent FPGA demos. Screenshots may not match the demo you are working with.
First, download and extract the '*.xpr.zip' file from the demo release page, linked above.
- 从发行版开设一个Vivado项目
- Build a Vivado Project
Note that if your project already has a generated bitstream, as indicated by the status in the top right corner of the window reading “write_bitstream Complete!”, then you can skip this section.
In order to create a file that can be used to program the target board, each stage of the “compilation pipeline” needs to be run.
这是从合成。合成creates a description of the logic gates and connections between them required to perform the functionality described by the HDL files, given the constraints included in XDC files. To run Synthesis click either
in the流导航器。然后,合成的输出将传递给实施。
Implementationhas several steps. The steps that are always run are选择设计(优化设计以适合目标FPGA),Place Design(在目标FPGA织物中布置设计)和路线设计(路由信号通过织物)。要运行实施,请单击
in the流导航器。This output is then passed on to the Bitstream Generator.
这Bitstream Generator生成编程FPGA所需的最终输出文件。要运行bitstream生成,请单击
in the流导航器。没有更改设置,生成器将创建一个“ .bit”文件。
根据设计的复杂性,使用的板和计算机的强度,构建项目的过程可能需要5到60分钟。完成后,将出现一个弹出对话框,提示您选择几个选项之一。与本指南的目的无关,因此请单击Cancel。可以在窗口的右上角看到“ write_bitstream完整”状态消息,表明该演示已准备好部署到板上。
- Set up the Zybo Z7
In order to use the demo, you will need to connect a circuit to the XADC Pmod Port in order to measure a voltage. The following example shows a voltage divider that produces each voltage between 0 V and 1 V in increments of 0.33 V. This circuit uses a chain of three 1 kΩ resistors in series with a 4.7 kΩ and a 2.2 kΩ resistor. The circuit is tied to the 3V3 andgndXADC PMOD标头的引脚提供电源。XADC端口的下排的每个n'引脚都连接到地面。
- 将bitstream编程到FPGA板上
Vivado's Hardware Manager can be opened by clicking on打开硬件管理器at the bottom of the Flow Navigator pane on the left side of the Vivado window.
这first step to programming a device is to connect the Vivado Hardware Server to it as a target. To get to theOpen Hardware Target向导单击
链接绿色横幅near the top of the window. From the drop-down that opens, select
Once the wizard opens, click下一个。
这Bitstream Filefield should be automatically filled in with the bit file generated earlier. If not, click the
button at the right end of the field and navigate to
<项目目录>/<项目名称>。/ and select the bit file (Example:)。现在单击程序。This will connect to the board, clear the current configuration, and program it using the new bit file.
At this point, the demo is now running on your board. Refer to theDescription本文档的一节有关它的作用更多信息。
Each analog input channel will control the brightness of anLEDas shown in the following table:
频道名称 | LED# | Pmod Pin #s |
AD14 | LD0 | 1和7 |
AD7 | LD1 | 2和8 |
AD15 | LD2 | 3 & 9 |
AD6 | LD3 | 4&10 |
Changing Voltages by reconfiguring the circuit while the demo is running is fine. If you built the example circuit shown in the “Using the Latest Release” section, above, feel free to move jumpers around to test out the different nodes of the voltage divider.
所有与使用Zybo Z7有关的材料都可以在其上找到资源中心。
For a walkthrough of the process of creating a simple HDL project in Vivado, seeGetting Started with Vivado for Hardware-Only Designs。有关重要部分的信息GUI,以及在这里还可以找到修改,重建和运行此演示所需的步骤的间接讨论。
For technical support, please visit theFPGAsection of the Digilent Forum.