Nexsys-3 PmodBT2 Demo
This is a port of the Nexys3GPIOISE demo so that it uses thePmodBT2instead of the onboard USB-UART bridge. It demonstrates the ability of thePmodBT2to be used as a drop-in wireless UART solution.
Required materials
Host computer with bluetooth and general purpose Terminal program (e.g. TeraTerm or Hyperterminal). Xilinx ISE and/or Digilent Adept will also need to be installed.
Download the project
Unzip the project and build it using Xilinx ISE, or simply grab the pre-built .bit file called gpio_demo.bit
Short JP4 on thePmodBT2. Leave all other jumpers unshorted.
Attach thePmodBT2to Pmod port JA on the Nexys3.
Connect the PROG port of the Nexys3 to your host computer and power it on.
Use Adept or iMPACT to program the Nexys3 with the .bit file
Connect to thePmodBT2using your bluetooth software. It should appear as a device called “RNBT-xxxx”. If prompted for a password, use 1234 (some devices can auto-negotiate a pin and this isn't necessary). When successfully connected, the software should have created a virtual com port for thePmodBT2.
Open your terminal software and connect it to thePmodBT2COM端口@ 9600波特,1个停止位,8位数据位,不parity.
Try pressing the different (non-red) pushbuttons on the Nexys3. You should now be able to see UART output from the demo running on the Nexys3 inside your terminal window.
Additonal Notes
You can also connect to thePmodBT2using an Android phone with Bluetooth and a terminal app like BlueTerm. Iphones cannot be used to communicate with thePmodBT2.