Simulating a Custom IP core using a Zynq processor
Completed the ZyboGetting Started Guide
Completed the ZyboCreating Custom IP Cores Guide
Created in Vivado 2015.1 and SDK 2015.1
This demo is great for the ZYBO but is also applicable for any microblaze design. This tutorial simulates the custom IP core with a microblaze project to avoid the additional licenses associated with the ZYNQ BFM core and AXI BFM core. Unfortunately, this results in a significantly more complex setup for the simulation but provides a solution for simulation with built-in licenses for series-7 boards in Vivado.
We will be using the PWM core written in the ZyboCreating Custom IP Cores Guide
1. Open vivado and create a new project with Nexys4 DDR board
1.1) Create a new project with name: “ip_core_simulation”.
1.2) ClickNext.
1.3) Select theNexys4 DDR.
1.4) ClickFinish.
2. Create Microblaze Block Design
2.1) SelectCreate block design.
2.2) ClickOK.
2.3) Add microblaze IP block.
2.4) Add My_PWM_Core.
2.5) Run block automation and run connection automation.
2.6) Make PMW0, PWM1, PWM2 and PWM3 all external connections.
2.7) Change the source of the input clock to single ended clock.
2.8) Double-click the clocking wizard block and change the reset type toactive low.
2.9) Create the HDL wrapper
3. Run Synthesis, Implementation and Export hardware design
3.1) ClickRun Implementation.
3.2) ClickFile→Export→Export Hardware.
3.3) ClickOK.
3.4) Launch the SDK.
4. Create program to test your IP core
4.1) Create new application.
4.2) Enter Project name “custom_ip_simulation” and clickNext.
4.3) SelectEmpty Applicationand clickFinish.
4.4) Add main.c
4.5) We are going to start with the program from the Creating a custom IP core tutorial and modifying it for simulation. The original code looks like this:
#include "xparameters.h" #include "xil_io.h" #define MY_PWM XPAR_MY_PWM_CORE_0_S00_AXI_BASEADDR int main(){ int num, i; while(1){ if(num == 100) num = 0; else num++; Xil_Out32(MY_PWM, num); Xil_Out32((MY_PWM+4), num); Xil_Out32((MY_PWM+8), num); Xil_Out32((MY_PWM+12), num); for(i=0;i<300000; i++); } }
4.6) A delay loop of 300000 is going to take a while to simulate so choosing a smaller number like 30 will speed up simulation. Change the delay loop to 30. Save the project and exit SDK.
5. Associate ELF created in SDK with microblaze design
5.1) Right ClickSimulation Sources. ClickAdd Sources.
5.2) SelectAdd or create simulation sources. ClickNext.
5.3) Click the green plus symbol. SelectAdd Files…
5.4) Navigate to“your work folder”/ip_core_simulation.sdk/custom_ip_core/Debug/. Addcustom_ip_simulation.elf.
5.6) Right clickcustom_ip_core.elf. ClickAssociate ELF File… NOTE: if Vivado asks to generate output products then click generate output products and repeat this step.
5.7) Click the…button
5.8) Selectcustom_ip_simulation.elf. ClickOK.
6. Create Test Fixture
6.1) Add a new simulation file named “test.v”.
6.2) Copy the following code into “test.v”:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps module test(); wire PWM0_tb; wire PWM1_tb; wire PWM2_tb; wire PWM3_tb; reg clk = 0; design_1_wrapper uut( .PWM0(PWM0_tb), .PWM1(PWM1_tb), .PWM2(PWM2_tb), .PWM3(PWM3_tb), .clk_in1(clk), .reset(1) ); always #5 clk <= ~clk; endmodule
7. Run Simulation
ClickRun behavioral simulation.
It works! We can now simulate IP cores