Nexys 4GPIO Demo
The Basic User Demo project demonstrates a simple usage of the Nexys4'sGPIOand UART. The behavior is as follows:
The 7-Segment display counts from 0 to 9 on each of its 8 digits. This count is reset when the center button is pressed. Also, single anodes of the 7-Segment display are blanked by holding BTNU, BTNL, BTND, or BTNR. Holding the center button blanks all the 7-Segment anodes.
An introduction message is sent across the UART when the device is finished being configured, and after the center User button is pressed.
A message is sent over UART whenever BTNU, BTNL, BTND, or BTNR is pressed.
The Tri-Color LEDs cycle through several colors in a ~4 second loop
数据from the microphone is collected and transmitted over the mono audio out port.
Note that the center user button behaves as a user reset button
All UART communication can be captured by attaching the UART port to a computer running a Terminal program with 9600 Baud Rate, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
Features Used
Not Used | 用过的 | |
16 user switches | X | |
16个用户LED | X | |
Two tri-color LEDs | X | |
5 User Push Buttons | X | |
Two 4-digit 7-segment displays | X | |
4 Pmod ports | X | |
Pmod for XADC signals | X | |
12-bit VGA output | X | |
USB-UART Bridge | X | |
Serial Flash for Application Data | X | |
USB HID Host With Mouse | X | |
USB HID Host With Keyboard | X | |
Micro SD card connector | X | |
PWM audio output | X | |
PDM microphone | X | |
3-axis accelerometer | X | |
16Mbyte CellularRAM | X | |
Temperature sensor | X | |
10/100以太网PHY | X |
Nexys4 FPGA board
Micro-USB cable
Headphones or speaker
Vivado Design Suite 2016.4
Newer versions can be used, but the procedure may vary slightly
Download and Launch the Nexys 4 GPIO Demo
1) Follow theUsing Digilent Github Demo Projects教程。这是一个HDL设计项目,因此不支持Vivado SDK,请选择适用于仅体内设计的教程选项。当提示检查额外的硬件要求和设置时,请返回本指南。
2) In order to fully use the demo, you will need to connect a serial terminal to your Nexys 4. Plug your board into your computer with a Micro USB cable and make sure the board is turned on. Then open a serial terminal (such as TeraTerm) on your computer. In the terminal application, setup the serial port to connect to the appropriate port for your board, with a baud rate of 9600. Then return to the Github Projects Tutorial to finish programming and running the demo.
Using the Nexys 4 GPIO Demo
1. Using the Switches with LEDs
3. Tri-color LEDs
The two tri-color LEDs are set to gradually change colors at all times. The user cannot affect them in this demonstration.