Cerebot 32MX4
The Cerebot 32MX4 is retired and no longer available for purchase in our store. We suggest migration to theBasys MX3.
The Cerebot 32MX4 is designed for embedded control and robotic applications as well as microprocessor experimentation. Firmware suitable for many applications can be downloaded to the Cerebot 32MX4's programmable PIC32 microcontroller. The board has a number of connection options and is specially designed to work with the Digilent line of Peripheral Modules (Pmods) with various input and output functions including direct connection of up to 8RChobby servos, provides two on-board push-buttons, and four on-board LEDs for user I/O, as well as providing connections for two I2C buses. A serialEEPROMand a serialD/Aconverter are provided on one of the I2C buses.