Motor Adapter for NI myRIO Resource Center
Welcome to the resource center for the Motor Adapter for NI myRIO!
Here you will find all the reference materials that Digilent has created for this board, as well as links to any external content we have tracked down. If you are interested in purchasing the Motor Adapter, visit the product page on our main website:Motor Adapter for NI myRIO
The Motor Adapter for NI myRIO allows you to easily connect and control either one stepper motor, two DC motors or two servos independently through the MXP connector on your myRIO. It has been designed so that no additional circuitry is required. Just supply power and you're on your way!
Servo motors are connected via standard 3 pin headers while DC motors are connected via 6-pin or screw terminal connectors and stepper motors are connected using screw terminals. Two quadrature encoder inputs are accessible through the motor connector or through terminal blocks.
PDF Schematic of the PCB generated by Altium
Reference Manual–Wiki
Technical description of the Motor Adapter and all of its features.
Sell Sheet– Sell Sheet is currently unavailable, please see the reference manual for product detail
Fritzing Part
The Fritzing part that can be uploaded and used to create circuit images.