

WaveForms,与模拟发现2接口的软件是免费下载,包括演示模式。在演示模式下,您可以使用物理模拟发现2使用所有可以访问的工具。This postprovides a walkthrough of how Demo Mode works.
What software can I use with the Analog Discovery 2?
模拟发现2使用波形,可以在下载页面上找到。这使您可以使用九个内置工具和脚本编辑器来编写自定义测试。下载Digilent Waveforms VI软件包后,模拟发现2也与LabView兼容。看开始使用Labview和测试和测量设备for more information.
I already have an Analog Discovery, should I upgrade?
You can find all of the accessories for the Analog Discovery 2 at theDigilent商店, including an external power supply, mini grabber clips, flywire labels, PowerBRICKS, breadboard adapter, BNC adapter, and BNC probes.This postdescribes these accessories in detail.
What comes in the box with the Analog Discovery 2?
这Analog Discovery 2 comes in a reusable project box with a USB A to B micro cable, a Ferrite snap on, a 30-pin flywire assembly and pin diagram.这个视频goes through an unboxing, showing everything that comes in the box.
What are the bandwidth, sampling rate, resolution, and other specs of the Analog Discovery 2?
Check out thespecification list.
绝对地!模拟发现2是一个功能齐全的工程USB实验室。它包括示波器,波形生成器,网络分析仪和频谱分析仪等模拟工具。它还包括数字工具,例如模式生成器,逻辑分析仪,静态I/O和数据记录器。此外,模拟发现2提供可变电源。如果您需要一个用于高速数字信号的工具,则数字发现may be a better fit.
是的!WaveForms is Mac, Linux, and Windows compatible and is free to download这里.
Can I use traditional BNC Probes?
是的!这support package and related examples and information can be found on the Analog Discovery 2硬件支持页面.

General Questions

当您等待模拟发现2到达时,您可以查看拆箱教程, or the快速启动视频系列. These will take you through what comes in the box, as well as the download and installation of WaveForms.
How do I install WaveForms?
WaveForms is a very quick and straightforward download and install. You can find installation guides in the模拟发现2入门指南.
How do I use the BNC Adapter?
This tutorial涵盖了features and use of the BNC Adapter for Analog Discovery.
This tutorial涵盖面包板适配器进行模拟发现的功能和使用。

Waveform 2015 Questions

What is WaveForms?
WaveForms is the user interface for the Analog Discovery 2. It is a custom toolset that allows users access to the full functionality of the Analog Discovery 2. Compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux, it provides any engineer with a portable oscilloscope, waveform generator, power supplies, data logger, logic analyzer, pattern generator, static I/O, network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, and script editor. It is the same software interface that is used with the Digital Discovery and Electronics Explorer boards.
WaveForms Application
这application that gives you access to all the tools on the Analog Discovery 2, and will serve as your user interface. It also includes built-in support with the help tab.


这WaveForms SDK (software development kit)

Check outthis tutorialon how to get started using the Oscilloscope tool in WaveForms.
Check outthis tutorialon how to get started using the WaveForm Generator tool in WaveForms.
How do I use the Power Supply?
Check outthis tutorialon how to get started using the Power Supplies in WaveForms.
How do I use the Voltmeter?
Check outthis tutorialon how to get started using the Voltmeter in WaveForms.
Check outthis tutorial关于如何使用波形中的数据记录器开始。
How do I use the Logic Analyzer?
Check outthis tutorial关于如何在波形中使用逻辑分析仪开始。
Check outthis tutorial如何开始使用模式发生器in WaveForms.
How do I use the Static I/O?
Check outthis tutorialon how to get started using the Static I/O tool in WaveForms.
How do I use the Network Analyzer?
Check outthis tutorialon how to get started using the Network Analyzer tool in WaveForms.
Check outthis tutorialon how to get started using the Spectrum Analyzer tool in WaveForms.
How do I use the Protocol Analyzer?
Check outthis tutorial关于如何在波形中使用协议分析仪工具开始。
How do I use the Impedance Analyzer?
Check outthis tutorial关于如何使用波形中的频谱阻抗工具开始。
Currently, the Logic Analyzer allows signal, bus, SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, I2S, and the ability to create custom analyzers. If the protocol you need isn't on the list, you can make a request in the测试和测量Digilent论坛的部分。
是的!WaveForms has a Script Editor that allows you to write custom tests in JavaScript. You can also use theLabview VI运行自动测试。

Windows,32位:C:\ Program Files \ Digilent \ waveformssdk \ samples \ py
Windows, 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\WaveFormsSDK\samples\py
苹果电脑操作系统: /Applications/WaveForms.app/Contents/Resources/SDK/samples/py


I haven't found the answer I need, what do I do?
如果您还没有从中找到问题的答案FAQor documentation page, you can post on theDigilent Forum. The Digilent Forum offers a community of people, including moderators from Digilent, that can provide the answer to your question.
模拟发现2进行了工厂校准,但可以使用波形进行校准。这个视频this tutorialgo over calibration using the calibration wizard.
What do I do if my Analog Discovery isn't detected?
  1. 确保您使用的电缆是与模拟发现2提供的电缆,并可以提供足够的电源和数据。
  2. Make sure that the Digilent FTDI driver was installed.
  3. 如果您在Mac上操作系统,尝试断开您的模拟发现2并重新启动Mac。
  4. Check out这个论坛线程on troubleshooting.
  5. Post on theDigilent Forum.

If you are on操作系统-X 10.14莫哈韦或更高版本:

  1. 删除文件digilentftdidriver.kext。
  2. 断开设备的连接。
  3. 重新开始操作系统-X。
  4. 重新连接设备。
  5. Start WaveForms. The device should now be detected.
  6. If the device is still not detected, please contact Digilent support.
I tried to use the Linux package install for Debian or Ubuntu and it failed! What do I do?
Install these packages from the terminal:
$ cd Downloads $ sudo dpkg -i digilent.adept.runtime... $ sudo dpkg -i digilent.waveforms...