使用Analog Discovery Pro(ADP5250)的功率测量


This demo uses the Analog Discovery Pro's Oscilloscope to measure the power of anRC电路。由于示波器仅测量电压,因此将传感电阻与示波器的数学通道一起使用,以计算通过电路的电流并进一步进一步。


  • 模拟发现Pro(ADP5250)与:
    • 2 BNC示波器探针
    • BNC到Minigrabber夹电缆
  • 模拟零件和电线(在模拟零件套件):
    • A 470 Ω resistor
    • 4.7 NF电容器
    • 1Ω电阻(传感电阻)
    • A breadboard
  • 波形Installation, version 3.15.18 or later



在图像中显示的测试电路右侧显示,并将示波器探针和Wavegen Grippers连接在标记的节点上。由于BNC探针是单端的,并且不支持差异电压测量,因此必须注意确保每个探针接地夹连接到电路的地面。



打开Wavegen仪器,将其配置为输出5 V,20kHzSine wave as shown in the image to the right.

打开Scopeinstrument. Enable Channels 1 and 2, then adjust the ranges to match the image to the right. Adjust the ranges of each channel to 5 mV/div and 1 V/div respectively, and the base time division to 10 us/div.



在此阶段应该看到的是跨传感电阻的电压降(CH 1),整个电路的电压下降(CH 2位置1)以及两个电阻跨两个电阻器(CH 2位置2)的电压降如右图所示。由于ADP5250只有2个通道,因此我们进行了一个功率计算,然后将通道2移至位置2并进行另一个计算。可以使用范围的数学通道来计算每个组件的电流,该通道可方便地将计算与电压测量旁边绘制。这些下一步详细介绍了如何设置它们。

只因为示波器测量电压,work needs to be done in order to measure power. The范围的Math channels can be used to perform calculations which then are plotted alongside each channel's measurements. To calculate the total power of theRC电路,从整个电路的电压(通道2)中减去传感电阻(通道1)的电压(通道1),结果乘以电路的电流乘。通过将传感电阻的电压除以其电阻,发现电流,结果将其乘以跨整个电压RCcomponents.

要添加数学频道,请单击示波器频道上方的“添加频道”下拉菜单,然后在数学菜单下选择“自定义”。在新窗口中,输入“(C2-C1)*C1/RS”,其中RS是当前传感电阻的电阻值。在脚本条目中,将单元设置为“ W”,然后单击“确定”。将数学通道的范围调整为20 mW/div,以更好地查看信号。该数学渠道正在绘制电路的总功率。


添加another Math channel, this time with the calculation of “(C2-C1)*C1/Rs”. If the chart is too cluttered with signals, click the checkmarks in the upper left of the 2 Scope channels to stop them from being plotted. Set the units to “W” and adjust the range of this channel to 20 mW/div to view the power of the resistor component of the circuit. Select Math1 and then drag the red triangle on the left of the chart down to offset the channel from Math2, since they largely overlap.


To see the average value of each power measurement, click “View” in the top toolbar, then “Measurements”. In the Measurements panel, click the “Add” button then “Defined Measurement”. Select Math1 in the left panel, expand Vertical in the right then click Average. Click “Add”, then repeat for Math2. Once done, click “Close”.

在波根中,将正弦的频率调整为50赫兹,将范围仪器的时间群调整为5 ms/div,以适应频率变化。注意测量面板中平均值的变化。


For more guides and example projects for your Analog Discovery Pro (ADP5250), please visit itsResource Center

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