Electronics Explorer - Intro to the Static I/O and Digital Pattern Generator
Using the WaveForms Static I/O and Digital Pattern Generator to blink anLED.
This is a basic project designed that will demonstrate how to use the digital I/O devices and the Digital Pattern Generator within the WaveForms software. The objective of this project is to assemble a simpleLEDcircuit on the EE Board and control the blinking of theLEDwith each of the aforementioned instruments.
Electronics Explorer Board w/ Power Supply and USB cable
From the Starter Parts Kit:
10 Ω Resistor
Jumper wire
WaveForms Software (download) -WaveForms 3.5.4 is used in this tutorial
Blinking an LED with the Static I/O
Connect the EE Board to your PC with the USB cable.
Connect the board's external power supply and flip theReadyswitch to theONposition.
Build the circuit.
The figure below shows the completed circuit.
Launch the WaveForms Software. TheDevice Managerwill pop up. Click yourEExploreron the list and clickSelect. The WaveForms main window will now appear.
Click on the
icon to open the Static I/O instrument.
The window in the next figure will appear.
Since theLEDwe are using is connected to the row labeled as 31, we are interested in DIO 31 in the Static I/O instrument. Right-click on DIO31 and selectPush Button.
Notice that it will now change to look like the following:
Now click the virtual button and observe what happens. TheLEDon the EE Board and the virtualLEDin the Static I/O instrument should both light up.
Right-click on DIO 31 again and notice that it can also be configured as a Push/Pull Switch, Three-State Switch, Open Source Switch, and Open Drain Switch. Experiment with these other I/O devices and observe theLED的行为。注意每个I / O的特征device in the list below.
ThePush/PullSwitch behaves as a standard slide switch.
TheThree-StateSwitch has an additional high-impedance state (Z).
TheOpen SourceSwitch toggles between a logic high (1) high-impedance state (Z).
TheOpen DrainSwitch toggles between a logic low (0) and a high-impedance state (Z).
Continue on to the next section to control theLEDusing the WaveForms Digital Pattern Generator.
Blinking an LED with the Digital Pattern Generator
The same circuit will be used for this portion of the project as well.
Close the Static I/O instrument and return to the WaveForms main window. Click the Pattern Generator icon
to open the Digital Pattern Generator.
In the Digital Pattern Generator window, clickAddandSignalsas shown in the figure below. Doing so will open theAdd Signalswindow, also shown below on the right. Again, we will use DIO 31. Select it and clickAdd.
You will now see DIO 31 as a signal on the left side of the window. Before configuring the signal itself, set theScaletoManualand theTime Base(labeled as “Show:”) to1s/div. Also, make sure the DPG is set toRun Continously.
Right-click on DIO 31 and click onEdit Parameters of “DIO 31”. Configure the parameters as follows:
Set theFrequencyto500mHz(0.5Hz).
The rest of your parameters should match those shown in the figure below.
Return to the DPG window and clickRun. Observe the results.
Experiment with various settings in the parameters window. Try changing the output to Open-Drain (OD) and Open-Source (OS) and observe what happens.
Set the output back to页. Now try adjusting the frequency value and see what happens.
You can also re-open the Static I/O window and observe the behavior of the virtualLED. Note: Above frequencies of 10Hz, the virtualLEDis no longer of accurate representation of the circuit's behavior due to USB communication delays.