Getting Started with Digilent Pmod IPs
数字Pmod IPs are only supported in Vivado and Xilinx SDK versions 2019.1 and earlier.
Digilent提供了几种旨在使FPGA上实现和使用PMOD尽可能直接的IP。本指南将描述如何在Vivado Microblaze或Zynq设计中使用PMOD IP核心。
At the end of this tutorial you will have a Vivado design and demo for your FPGA or Zynq platform that uses a Digilent Pmod IP core.
The following two dropdown tables show which Digilent FPGA system boards and Pmods are supported by this tutorial, as well as some details about each one that you will need to know to complete this tutorial.
- 支持平台
- Pmods Supported
Pmod Interface Type Reference clock frequency (MHz) 参考时钟信号名称 中断引脚名称/s Uses PmodGPIO 补充说明 8ld GPIO - - - Yes - ACL spi 80 ext_spi_clk - - - ACL2 spi 50 ext_spi_clk - - - AD1 spi - - - - - AD2 IIC - - - - - AD5 spi 50 - - - - ALS spi 50 ext_spi_clk - - - AMP2 GPIO - - timer_interrupt - - aqs IIC - - - - - BB GPIO - - - Yes - ble uart - - - - - BT2 uart - - - - - BTN GPIO - - - Yes - 能够 spi 100 ext_spi_clk spi_打断GPIO_打断 - CLS spi 50 ext_spi_clk - - - CMPS2 IIC - - - - SDK项目需要数学库 COLOR IIC - - - - - DA1 spi 50 ext_spi_clk - - - DHB1 pwm/GPIO - - - - - DPG1 spi 50 ext_spi_clk - - - ENC GPIO - - - - - ESP32 uart - - - - - GPS uart - - gps_uart_interrupt - - GYRO spi 50 ext_spi_clk - - - Hygro IIC - - - - - JSTK spi 16 ext_spi_clk - - - JSTK2 spi 16 ext_spi_clk - - - KYPD GPIO - - - - - 引领 GPIO - - - Yes - 麦克斯森 GPIO - - - - - microSD 使用PMOD SD IP核心 - MTDS spi - - - - - NAV spi/GPIO 50 ext_spi_clk - - - OLED spi/GPIO - - - - - OLEDrgb spi/GPIO 50 ext_spi_clk - - - 皮尔 GPIO - - - - - R2R GPIO - - - - - RTCC IIC - - - - - SD spi - - - - - SF3 spi 50 ext_spi_clk qspi_interrupt - - SSR GPIO - - - Yes - SWT GPIO - - - Yes - TC1 spi 50 ext_spi_clk - - tmp3 IIC - - - - WIFI spi - - wf_interrupt - Need 385 KB of BRAM or DDR
Supported Digilent 7-Series FPGA System Board
MicroUSB Cable/s
One or More Supported Digilent Pmods
Xilinx Vivado 2018.2 with Xilinx SDK and Digilent Board Files
Other versions of Vivado may work, but functionality is not guaranteed
看到"Installing Vivado and Digilent Board Files"tutorial for more information.
数字Vivado IP Library
If the Pmod IP to be used has a README file, be sure to review it before starting this tutorial. This file can be found in theVivado-library/ip/pmods/“您的pmod”目录。
要确定您是否需要使用Microblaze或Zynq进行本教程,请参阅该条目支持平台dropdown table found in theOverview Section本教程。或者,导航到您的平台资源中心这里。
- 微型闪电
跟着Getting Started with Vivado IP Integratortutorial to obtain a basic MicroBlaze block design.
An example of a MicroBlaze block design for a board that has external DDR memory.
- Zynq
跟着Getting Started with Vivado IP Integratortutorial to obtain a basic Zynq block design.
2.1)找到Digilent的最新版本Vivado-libraryrepository where the version number matches the version of Vivado being used (example: “v2016.4-1” is the first release for Vivado 2016.4). Download file (不是源代码档案之一!),然后在令人难忘的位置提取此存档。该GITHUB存储库包含大量旨在与Digilent板一起使用的IP内核,包括Digilent的所有PMOD IP内核和PMOD接口描述。
此列表包含平台板文件中定义的所有组件。您可以使用它来轻松插入一个可以与平台上找到的硬件一起使用的IP块,例如以太网端口或通用端口引领。Several of these should have already been selected when you created your initial design in step 1.1.
几个简单GPIOPmods can be used with the PmodGPIO IP Core. To see if your Pmod is supported with this IP core consult the Pmod compatibility table found in theOverview Section本教程。
5. Connect Reference Clocks
Some Pmod IP cores require a reference clock to function properly. To see if your Pmod requires a reference clock consult the Pmod compatibility table found in theOverview Section。If your Pmod does not require a reference clock then skip toStep 6。
将参考时钟附加到PMOD IP核心是不同的,具体取决于您使用的平台。选择最能描述您平台的选项卡(请在“Overview Sectionif you don't know).
- Zynq
5.1)双击Zynq处理系统block to re-customize it. In the menu to the left, clickClock Configuration。扩展PL Fabric Clocksdrop down and check the first FCLK_CLK that is not already checked to activate it. Set the requested frequency to the frequency required for your Pmod. This frequency can be found in the Pmod compatibility chart in theOverview Section本教程。点击好的。
如果其中一个FCLK_CLK已经检查has a frequency that matches the frequency needed for your pmod, you may use that clock. It is possible to connect a single clock to multiple destinations.
5.2) Connect this new clock to the clock input on your Pmod IP Core. The name of the clock input for your Pmod IP core can be found in the Pmod compatibility chart in theOverview Section本教程。
- MicroBlaze with MIG
5.1)双击mig_7series block to re-customize it. In the Xilinx Memory Interface Generator window, keep clickingNext直到你看到选择其他时钟(shown below). Click this box and select the frequency required for your Pmod or the closest available slower frequency. The required frequency can be found in the Pmod compatibility chart in theOverview Section本教程。
5.2) Keep clickingNext。When you reach the pin selection screen, click证实接着好的。Keep clickingNext。点击接受在许可协议屏幕上,然后继续点击Next。Once you've reached the end, clickGenerateto regenerate your MIG block with your additional clocks.5.3) Connect this new clock to the clock input on your Pmod IP Core. The name of the clock input port for your Pmod IP core can be found in the Pmod compatibility chart in theOverview Section本教程。
- 无MIG的微型闪电
5.1)双击时钟向导IP块以重新定位它。在“自定义”对话框中,选择“输出时钟”选项卡。检查尚未检查以激活它的下一个时钟。将请求的输出频率设置为PMOD所需的频率。该频率可以在PMOD兼容性图表中找到Overview Section本教程。点击好的。
5.2) Connect this new clock to the clock input on your Pmod IP Core. The name of the clock input for your Pmod IP core can be found in the Pmod compatibility chart in theOverview Section本教程。
一些PMOD IP核需要中断才能正常运行。要查看您的PMOD是否需要中断,请咨询PMOD兼容性表Overview Section。如果您的PMOD不需要中断,请跳过Step 7。
将PMOD IP核心中断连接到处理器是不同的,具体取决于您使用的平台。选择最能描述您平台的选项卡(请在“Overview Sectionif you don't know).
- Zynq
6.2) Add aconcatIPcore to the block design. Re-customize the concat block to make sure that the number of inputs matches the number of interrupts you need to connect to your Zynq Processor - probably only one. Click好的。
- 微型闪电
6.1) If your MicroBlaze block doesn't have an AXI Interrupt Controller connected to it's INTERRUPT port, add an AXI Interrupt controller to your block design. Manually connect the interrupt port of the axi_intc_0 to the INTERRUPT port of your MicroBlaze block. UseConnection Automation要将其AXI接口连接到系统的其余部分。
6.2) Add a Concat IP core to the block design. Re-customize the concat block to make sure that the number of inputs matches the number of interrupts you need to connect to your Microblaze Processor - probably only one. Click好的。
7. Validate the Design
7.1)单击Regenerate Layout按钮重新排列您的块设计。
7.2) Select证实Design。This will check for design and connection errors.
7.3)如果您已经为您的块设计创建了HDL包装器,则是董事会特定的一部分入门…tutorial, skip the remainder of this step. Otherwise, after the design validation step we will proceed with creating a HDL System Wrapper. Click on the来源tab and find your block design.
7.4) Right click on your block design and click创建HDL包装器。Let Vivado manage the wrapper and automatically update it and click好的。
这个过程可能需要5至60分钟depending on the computer Vivado is running on and the size of the target FPGA.
9.1) At the top of the Vivado window, click文件→导出→导出硬件。检查框Include Bitstream和click好的。This will give Xilinx SDK all of the information it needs to know about the hardware design, as well as the files needed to program the hardware onto a target FPGA system board.
A new file directory will be created in the project directory underecho_server.SDK类似于Vivado硬件设计项目名称。另外两个文件,.sysdef和.hdf也创造了。这个步骤创建一个new SDK Workspace.
9.2) On the main toolbar, click文件→启动SDK。将两个下拉菜单作为默认<本地项目>和click好的。这将打开Xilinx SDK并导入导出的硬件。
10. Xilinx SDK
The HW design specification and included IP blocks are displayed in the “system.hdf” file. Xilinx SDK is independent of Vivado, i.e. from this point, you can create your SW project in C/C++ on top of the exported HW design. If necessary, SDK can be launched directly with the.sdk folder in the main Vivado project directory as the workspace. From this point, if you need to go back to Vivado and make changes to the HW design, then it is recommended to close the SDK window and make the required HW design edits in Vivado. After this you must follow the sequence of saving design, allowing Vivado to regenerate the HDL wrapper, and generating a new bit file. This new bit file and modified hardware design must then be exported to SDK.
在Project Explorertab on the left, you can see the hardware platform project. The name of the hardware platform follows the name of the block design wrapper created in Vivado. This hardware platform has all the HW design definitions, IP interfaces that have been added, external output signal information and local memory address information.
The drivers for any Pmod IPs in the design can be found in the appropriate folder in the hardware platform, under/drivers。If you want to edit these drivers, use the versions found in the board support package project underlibsrc/。如果您确实修改了驱动程序,请记住,硬件的任何更改都会覆盖这些更改,以及任何使用Regenerate BSP Sources选项。
11. Create a New Application Project in SDK
You will see two new folders in theProject Explorer控制板。
Our main working source folder also contains an important file shown here which is the “lscript.ld”. This is a Xilinx auto generated linker script file and includes information about memory addresses for different IP components of your block design, as well as the sizes of other memory regions.
12. Import the Example Project
13. Program the FPGA with the Bit File
13.1) Make sure that your board is turned on and connected to the host PC with micro USB cables for UART and programming. On some boards, you will only need to connect a single PROG/UART port while on others you will need to connect your PC to two different ports typically named UART and PROG or JTAG. On the top toolbar, click the程序FPGA按钮。一些板还将要求它们连接到单独的电源。
13.2) ClickProgramto program your FPGA with your hardware design.
14. Program the Microblaze/ZYNQ Processor
14.1) The majority of demos require that you use a serial terminal on your PC to read messages printed by the demo. Settings for the terminal will vary depending on your board, but typically you will need to use a baud rate of 115200 or 9600, 8 bit data, no parity bit, and one stop bit. Zynq projects will use 115200 baud, while the baud rate for MicroBlaze projects will depend on the configuration of the Uartlite IP in Vivado.
14.2)选择您的应用程序项目,然后单击运行为…按钮。选择Launch on Hardware (System Debugger)和click好的。
14.3)Xilinx SDK将在Main.C上运行该程序。查看示例主文件顶部的评论标头,以获取有关演示的功能以及任何其他设置要求的更多信息。