This is a place to test out wiki markup without modifying live pages. Reference for available markup and syntax are available at theFormatting Syntax page.
Bootstrap collapse
These are examples of using default bootstrap html css and js collapse. The only modification from the bootstrap documentation is that panel headings can't use tags.
Collapsible Group Item #1
Collapsible Group Item #2
Wiki syntax within HTML
Outliner Plugin
There is also an outliner plugin that's pretty straight forward as well.
- Differences between the bootstrap collapse and outliner plugin
- Pros
You can memorize the syntax easily
Nested groups are a thing
The arrow key image makes it clear that it can be clicked on and opened
also supports wiki syntax inside each of the sections
- Cons
Not actually grouped together (as seen in some more of the examples below
cannot be coerced to nicely fit in a bulleted list like this one (bootstrap can be)
One section does not close when you open a different one
The tooltip feature is obnoxious
Note that all of the notes and randomness are copied and pasted from James Colvin's random testings
- Section 1 without preview thanks to the pound sign
List item one in Section 1 without number
Item number 1
Item number 2
Item number 3
Some other syntax. evenWiki
- Nested section opened by default with the carrot sign and a tooltip preview without the pound sign
I'm a tooltip and the content! And obnoxious as a tooltip!
- Nested nested content?
That would be super awesome if this works
horray it does!
you'll notice that adding the close out code ←- does nothing if it's not at the start of a new line
outside of nested nested content
Continue section 1 outside of nested content?
Outside of section 1 before section 2. There's an invisible comment closing out section 1
- You know you want to try out a section 2!
Okay, so it's not a real section 2 that auto numbers. I just made the title look like it did that.
Otherwise section 2 is quite beautiful wouldn't you say? I can even put a table inside itA beautiful table Left Header Center Header Right Header content 1 Content 2 Content 3 content 1a content 3a make sure you have some sort of line between a table and the close out
otherwise it apparently breaks the code
outside of all of the sections
start up a new sectional outliner thing after using a couple of\\
- A brand new section 1 that starts out opened, but no preview
- some cool internal content to the new section 1
MathJAX plugin
When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
More math equation options:
To display math on its own line, use double dollar signs: $$ \frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x) $$ or escaped square brackets:
\[ \sin A \cos B = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \sin(A-B)+\sin(A+B) \right] \] A wide range of math environments will work as well:
\begin{align*} e^x & = 1 + x + \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{6} + \cdots \\ & = \sum_{n\geq 0} \frac{x^n}{n!} \end{align*}
Note that the math environments should not be inside the dollar sign delimiters; the environments should stand on their own with just the \begin and \end statements in order to be parsed correctly. Seeherefor what “math environments” means.
Tip, info, and important things to callout
你看到这个盒子吗? !
You can'thelpbut read it can you? It's pretty sweet to have this nice box that was specified to be square (rather than round) of a specified length (650px), that is also specified asimportant
, resulting in this orange box with a triangle warning sign. If we don't want to be so aggressive with our imagery, we can also use an info or a tip callout box provided by the WRAP plugin.
Nice Formal information
This round info box provides some additional information that isn't strictly needed in the main body text, but is helpful to have available.
Here's a lovely recommendation that you can follow in case you weren't completely certain of what you needed to do next.
Other stuff tbd
Logic Analyzer
The Logic Analyzer (Analyzer) allows acquisition and visualization of digital inputs.
It is possible to configure the information being visualized: to choose which signals to visualize, to group signals in buses, to configure protocol interpreters, and to visualize them in a specific order.
1. Menu
See Menu in Common Interfaces.
1.1. View
Data: opens/closes the Data view. Logging: opens/closes Logging tool.
2. Control
The acquisition bar contains the following:
单:开始一个收购。运行/停止的屁股on: starts repeated, continuous or stream acquisition (see Run mode). While the acquisition is in progress, the Run button becomes the Stop button. Buffer: The performed acquisitions are stored in the PC buffer in time order. This makes it easy to review a series of repeated acquisitions. The new acquisitions are stored after the currently selected buffer position. If you change the position in the buffer and start a new acquisition, the positions after the selected one will be lost. Run: The options in Run mode select the action of the Run button and are the following: Repeated: the Run button starts repeated acquisitions. Scan Screen: scan acquisition where the sampled data is drawn from left to right. When the right corner is reached, the signal curve plot continues from the left. Scan Shift: similar to the screen mode, but when the signal plot reaches the right corner, the curve plot slides to the left. Stream: allows capturing large number of samples at lower rates. In this mode the samples are streamed trough the USB limiting the rate, depending on system, other connected devices, at about 1M samples/sec. The scan modes (Screen and Shift) are available when the time-base is greater than 1 second span, 100 ms/division. Mode: The three trigger modes are: Normal: the acquisition is triggered only on the specified condition. Auto: when the trigger condition does not appear in approximately two seconds, the acquisition is started automatically. In repeated acquisition mode, when the instrument switches to auto trigger, the next acquisitions are made without waiting again to time-out while a trigger event does not occur and the configuration is not changed. When a new trigger event occurs, or the configuration is changed, the current acquisition will be finished and the next one will wait for the trigger again. It is also the best mode to use if you are looking at many signals and do not want to bother setting the trigger each time. None: the acquisition is started without a trigger. Source: select trigger source between Analyzer trigger condition on pins, other device instrument, or external trigger signals. Trigger: shows the trigger configuration. Position: adjusts the horizontal trigger position. Base: adjusts the time base. Gear: opens a menu with the following options: Position as division: selects the unit of the position parameter, division, or seconds. Range Mode: selects the display mode for time base (per division, plus-minus, and full). Rate: adjusts the sample rate. Samples: adjust the number of samples to acquire. Clock: select internal or external clock source for Logic Analyzer (available on Electronics Explorer). Noise: selects to acquire noise samples in half of the buffer. Buffers: adjusts the number of PC buffers. Update: this specifies the time period at which the application will check the oscilloscope device status and read the acquired data, in repeated Run mode. Increase the time to reduce the update rate.
3. Signal Grid
The Signals Grid allows you to customize the display of the signals that you are interested in. See the operations on the Lists.
The grid menu contains the following options:
Add: It is possible to add signals, define, and add a bus or interpreter. One or more signals can be selected and added at a time.
The Bus, SPI, I2C, and UART menus open the corresponding property editor and after configuring them, it will be added to the grid.
Remove: It is possible to remove the selected items or the entire list.
Edit: Under the Edit menu, the following operation can be performed:
Property: Opens the properties editor for the currently selected item. The grid columns are as follows:
Height: the row height can be changed in the first column. Expand/Collapse: each bus and interpreter can be individually expanded or collapsed. Edit: clicking on the edit icon of a signal, bus, or interpreter row opens the editor. IO: Shows the device digital IO pin number. Multiple used signals are marked with star (ex: *3). The not defined signals are noted with ND. Trigger: allows you to configure the trigger condition for the Logic Analyzer pins. In this column, a left or right mouse-click opens a drop-down where the trigger condition can be selected. When multiple rows are selected, a right-click sets the trigger for all the selected pins. The grid context menu opens on mouse right-click. This contains similar buttons as the grid toolbar's Add, Remove, and Edit menus.
The waveform area is divided in three sections: top, bottom, and center.
On the bottom area, the time position can be adjusted by horizontal left mouse button drag and the time base by right mouse button drag.
顶部面积:上面的波形,指出lowing information is shown:the state of the logic analyzer, and viewed acquisition information: number of samples, rate and capture time. See Acquisition States for more information. Bottom Area: On the bottom section, the major time grids are displayed. Center Area: This area is used to display rows containing the graphical visualization of waveforms.
3.1. HotTrack
See HotTrack in Common Interfaces. When the mouse cursor position is in a signal row, it will place a vertical cursor and two more towards right, measuring the pulse width and period. Otherwise, it will place one vertical cursor showing the time position and the waveform's level at the intersections with the vertical cursor.
3.2. Cursors
The Cursors are available for main time view. See Cursors.
The Cursor's drop down menu contains adjustment controls for the position, reference cursor, delta x value and remove button.
4. Property Editor
The property editor can be opened for the selected signal, bus, or interpreter under the grid toolbar edit menu.
4.1. Signal
In the signal property editor, the name can be specified and the device pin changed.
4.2. Bus
In the bus property editor, the following can be configured:
Name: edit the displayed name of the bus. Left list: shows the available signals. Right list: shows the selected bus signals. The signals can be added or removed with the left-right arrow-buttons or mouse drag and drop. Enable: selects the optional enable pin and active polarity. Clock: selects the optional clock pin and sampling edge. Format: selects the values format of the bus. Binary values are displayed with “b” leading character. Decimal Hexadecimal values are displayed with “h” leading character. Vector values are displayed with “v” leading character. Vector value is the raw binary value without index. Signed One's complement Two's complement Endianness: selects between little and big endian, least significant bit (LSB), first or most significant bit (MSB) first. LSB/MSB: selects the values for first and last indices, LSB and MSB. The index values can be set so that the index remains within the -32 and +31 range.
4.3. SPI
SPI interpreter lets you define a synchronous serial data link with the following options:
Select: optional slave or chip select signal with low or high active level. Clock: is the serial clock with data sampling on rising or falling edge. Data: is the serial data signal (MOSIorMISO) with least or most significant bit first shifting. Bits: the number of data bits in a transmission word. Format: allows selecting the display mode of the value in binary, decimal or hexadecimal formats. Binary values are displayed with “b” leading character. Decimal Hexadecimal values are displayed with “h” leading character. Vector values are displayed with “v” leading character. Vector value is the raw binary value without index. Sign and Magnitude Ones' complement Two's complement Leading: skips the given number of starting bits in value calculation. Ending: skips the given number of ending bits in value calculation.
4.4. I2C
For I2C or Two Wire Interface interpreter, the clock and data signals can be selected.
4.5. UART
The UART interpreter for asynchronous serial protocols lets you select:
Data: the data signal. Bits: the number of data bits in a transmission word. Parity: selects between Odd, Even, Mark (High), and Space (Low) parity modes. Baud rate: allows specifying the speed or bits per second of the line.
5.1. Data
The Data view displays the data samples.
The column header shows the sample index, the first column shows the time stamp followed by the values of the added channels components.
5.2. Logging
See Logging in Common Interfaces.
The script allows custom saving of data or processed information. The Locals are the instrument object called Analyzer, Index and Maximum are the values show above the script.
condition for saving, DIO0 to exists if('DIO0' in Analyzer.Channels){instantiate file object for acquisition
var file = File("C:/temp/dio0_"+Index+".csv") var data = // write data to file file.write(data) // increment Index Index++
The X Cursors show cursor information in table view. See Cursors.
6. Export
See Export in Common Interfaces.
Pmod table test